Good Club

The Good Club is an online store for packaging-free and ethical groceries. There is a membership fee (starting at just £3.33/month) and for that you get zero waste products in reusable packaging, free delivery, free packaging collection, and you can save up to 40% on sustainable brands.

This service has been on the list to try for ages so watch the blog section for the write up review coming soon. We especially like the fact that we can reduce waste, cut carbon, and save cash.

Do read the ‘How It Works’ page for more info. And from browsing their FAQs it seems you can try out their service free for 30 days then you can still cancel any time after that. Looks simple. The main thing stopping a trial is that we would need our own jars to unpack the products into and so that takes a little bit of thought and prep before ordering.

Check out their website here.

And consider following them on social media:





Social Supermarket


My Little Eco Shop