5 of the easiest steps to get started

Fancy living a little bit more sustainably but don’t really know where to start? Maybe you worry it will cost a lot of time, money, and energy. Here are 5 of the easiest steps you can take to get started if you are a complete beginner in the plastic-free living more sustainably arena.

  1. Carry a bag for life

Easy enough. There are some really cool reusable bags that can be attached to your keyring! Easy to squirrel some away, maybe in your car for the unexpected shopping stops. On this note you could also use a reusable water bottle if you are the type to use single use water bottles.

2. Buy loose fruit and vegetables

I found this one is a good tip for two reasons:

I get to choose the fruit/veg I want. I’m not subjected to the pre-packed stuff. Especially bell peppers. I’m not keen on the green ones, so would prefer to pick the ones I like.

It reduces food waste - I often don’t need all three red onion that come in the plastic net bag thing. I’d just like to choose a large loose red onion.

3. Recycle

This doesn’t just mean putting the glass and tins out on Thursday to be picked up by the council (although that is good too). But rather do at what you don’t need or use instead of throwing it away. This could be donating clothes to charity shops or Thrift+ or even donating food and cupboard items on apps such as Olio.

4. Change your energy provider to a green alternative.

This could be as simple as making a phone call to your new provider who will often make the switch for you. Although this one has the potential to cause headaches as everyone knows how tedious it is to be on the phone with utilities. Stick with it, as once you have made the switch you are living more sustainably with so little effort! Who knows, you may even get a better deal!

5. Cut down on your meat consumption

This is a big one that has been doing the rounds. I don’ think I could be a full time vegetarian, but these days you can be a very unhealthy vegetarian thankfully. In the last 10 years the number of vegetarian, vegan, or fake meats have really exploded. There are dairy alternatives that have more calories than milk original. You don’t have to feel like you are missing out by trying some plant alternatives once in a while. Any supplementation of your diet that helps you cut down on your meat consumption will expand your diet and expose you to some wonderful new foods as well as help cut down your carbon footprint.


How did you do? Ticked off some or all of this list? Then you may not be such a beginner to living a little more sustainably than you thought! The key is to start. 10 years ago I spoke to someone who said they couldn’t get over someone driving to the recycling center to recycle a few bottles and tins. It must cost more in carbon emissions to drive than the had saved by recycling. I responded with a least they are making a start. With making your first steps in the right direction comes refinement and habit. No one is perfect and we all need to start somewhere. I bet you that the family who drove to the recycling centre has now ticked off all 5 of the above steps and more. They are 10 years into their journey - where will you be in yours in 10 years?


All that glitters need not end up in landfill